北京华辰北斗信息技术有限公司(BHC Navigation Co.,Ltd.) 成立于2004年,专注卫星定位导航技术在户外运动健身及行业外业应用领域的技术研发,专注手持式、便携式户外GNSS定位导航产品的开发、生产、营销、服务,以为用户的生活和工作提供最满意的、最可靠的卫星定位导航产品与服务为企业目标,以成为卫星定位导航户外与行业应用领域的全球领导者为企业愿景。
BHC Navigation
Co., Ltd. (BHCnav: Best Handheld Creator in Navigation) was legally registered
2004 and headquartered at Zhongguancun, which is considered as the Chinese
Silicon Valley. With the purpose to promote the development ofChinasatellite
positioning and navigation industry, BHCnav keeps focusing on the field of GNSS
development and modernization.
Between 2004 and 2009, the company inducted
international GNSS brands and products intoChinaand allocate products to sub-distributors, successfully built a big
distributing network all overChina.
With 5 years of marketing, BHCnav has set up 14 representative offices all overChina.
As continues accumulation of marketing experience, BHCnav clearly realized what
kind of product market really needs and what benefit will brought to
sub-distributors and end-users if we sell exactly what the market needs.