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 Delair-Tech 是专业的无人机设计、生产、营销为一体的工业和农业领域使用的远距离飞行无人机系统整体解决方案提供商。本公司为客户提供一系列的续航时间长,功能强大,自主任务和安全的监测系统。Delair-Tech 还为产品提供培训和维护服务。Delair-Tech 是唯一一家授权的能在法国民用空域进行超视距远距离飞行公司.

 Delair Tech 被大家熟知,原因如下:







Delair-Tech designs, manufactures and markets solutions for aerial observation for industrial and agricultural sectors using long-endurance Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). The company offers a range of observation systems for customers looking for long endurance, robust, autonomous and safe products. Delair -Tech also offers training and maintenance contracts for its systems. Delair -Tech is  the only company authorised to fly in French civilian airspace over very long distances and beyond line of site (BLOS). 

Delair -Tech is well-known for :

Surveillance missions for linear infrastructure (power lines, railways, inland waterways, pipelines, etc. )

Mapping of large areas (topography, crop mapping etc.)

Taking environmental measurements in inaccessible areas

Shenzhen Pengjin Technology Co.,Ltd is the primary agency of Delair-Tech inChina.

There are two main series of Delair-Tech products: DT-18 and DT-26X.

Pengjin Technology Co.,Ltd undertakes customer’s customized UAV projects.



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