北京嘉年华业科技携坚固型笔记本电脑参加CISMEXPO 分享到: |
北京嘉年华业科技有限公司--坚固型笔记本电脑专家是国内行业内主要的坚固型笔记本电脑供应商。TOUGHBOOK坚固型笔记本电脑通过美军标和国军标双重测试。具有强大的坚固性指标:可在开机运行状态下多个角度跌落;360度全面防水设计;符合电磁兼容标准;约10小时长效供电;1100流明显示屏可在日光下正常显示;通用串口满足各种工业需要;内置无线和蓝牙接口;宽温运行-20度- +60度。广泛的使用在各种恶劣环境中,都出色的满足用户需求。 嘉年华业公司可为客户提供各种增值服务,从售前样机测试提供到售后个性化对应,以及不同的无线通讯方案,灵活的多种配件提供。 我们的宗旨:满足客户需求,是我们不懈的努力! BEIJING JIANIAN HUAYE TECHNOLOGY CO. ,LTD. - a supplier for rugged notebook computers. The rugged notebook computers named TOUGHBOOK have through the double test of military specifications ofChinaand American. It is with a strong robustness index: falling can be switched on in a state of multiple angle; 360-degree comprehensive waterproof design; comply with the emc standards; about 10 hours long power supply; 1100 lumens touch screen can display properly in the sun; serial interface can meet the needs of all kinds of industry; built-in wireless and bluetooth interface; wide temperature running 20 degrees - - + 60 degrees. It is widely used in all kinds of bad environment and performance...
上一篇:天泰北斗科技携手持GPS设备参加CISM 下一篇:深圳市鹏锦科技参加CISMEXPO |
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