深圳市科比特航空科技有限公司携无人机参加CISMEXPO 分享到: |
深圳市科比特航空科技有限公司是一家专业从事多旋翼无人机系统的研发、生产、销售、服务为一体化的高新科技企业。我们是中国中国应用无人机领域的领先者。公司坐落于深圳(中国科技之都),拥有超过15位无人机领域的资深科学家,与哈尔滨工业大学建有联合实验室。多旋翼无人机广泛应用于航拍、电影和电视、广告、电力拉线、空中遥感测绘、国土监测、城市规划、森林消防、交通管控、空中侦察、减灾赈灾、以及其他工业领域。 公司宗旨:至诚、精细、创新。以至诚的态度做好服务、以精细的产品赢得顾客的信赖、并以不断创新的理念开发新产品和开拓新领域。 Shenzhen MicroMultiCopter Aero Technology Co.,Ltd.(MMC) is a high-tech enterprise established in 2008 with research and development, production, specializes in multi rotor UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle).We are the Leader of Drone Industry Appication in China.Company is located in Shenzhen city (Captial of science and technology in China), having more than 15 Top scientists in UAV field and co-established laboratory with Harbin Institute of Technology and Tsinghua Univerity. Multi rotor UAV is widely used for Aerial photography, film and television, advertising ,electric power cable, aerial remote mapping , land monitoring, city planning, forest fire prevention, traffic management, aerial reconnaissance, disaster relief and other industries. Enterprise spi rit: sincere, fine, innovation.We develop new product and explore market with Good service, fine products and innovative concept continuously.
上一篇:成都振芯科技股份有限公司参加CISMEX 下一篇:北京博智云翼科技有限公司携无人机参加CI |
联系人:刘 鑫 先生 手机/微信:13240800242
商务QQ:861727071 传 真:+86-21-3123 5346